Monday, December 14, 2009

Home For Christmas!

Though Monday was here, and it was the final week of the semester, it doesn't necessarily mean it was that exciting. I had finished and submitted all of my exams, the previous week, except my last one, on Friday. That meant I had to wait till Friday, before I could go home... Fortunately, Monday was, as always, Muffin Monday/Castle night. After an exciting episode of Castle, we sat down to enjoy some Lemon Poppy-Seed Strudel Muffins. Yes, you guessed it correctly, we used the leftover strudel from last week, in this muffin batch. Made for an interesting muffin experience! This week, we discussed Feudal Society, and our respective roles, within it. All I remember is that Chris and JM were given the role of court jesters, while I, being the resident Italian, was crowned the King of Pasta.

That's where Tuesday started... Tuesday, the online portion of my Spanish final was open to be taken. I was able to complete that in about an hour or so, and that concluded everything that I had to do for the week... So, to save some time, I'll cram Wednesday and Thursday into this paragraph as well. Since I had nothing to do, and everyone else was studying for exams, I was rather bored for the next couple days. Aside from studying for the Friday exam, every so often, I think I spent most of the week watching the entire season of Harper's Island.

Having been bored for the entirety of the week, I was extremely excited that Friday had arrived. I woke up early, headed over to my Spanish final, and knocked it out with ease. Having already packed, I was back at the apartment and, subsequently, on the road within the hour. I arrived home, but found no one there. I called up Kory, who decided to come over to the house for a bit. We worked on our Christmas Mashup, and re-downloaded Rockband songs to Robert's corrupt memory card. An hour or so later, Andrew had gotten off of work, and invited all of us over for a movie night. For awhile, it turned out to be just the three of us, so we waited around, playing Smash Bros to occupy the time. Well, when Jess and Danielle finally got there, they were only able to stay for about a half hour, so we never ended up watching a movie anyways. To spare you another shortened day summary, I'll cram Saturday into this paragraph, as well, much like the earlier abridged paragraph. Saturday, I hung out with my family for most of the day, waiting til around 5 to take my parents to a party, as their designated driver. After dropping them off, I came back to the house and worked on my Christmas mashup, until it was time to head back to get them. So far, the first two days back, not really too exciting, but not bad, either.

Sunday, however, changed all of that! After waking up and going to clean my dad's office, I called up Kory and Phillip to see if we could schedule our meeting to talk about the upcoming swing night. Phillip informed us that he wouldn't be back to the church for a little while, but did invite me to the Gateway College & Career Christmas Party. Definitely glad that I went! I got to see a whole bunch of friends that I haven't seen in awhile. We had a white elephant gift exchange, Christmas Pictionary, and Rockband. The whole night turned out to be a lot of fun, and I met a few new friends, which is always nice! Around 11, Kory and Jess swung by to pick me up to go out to Micheal's house, out in Alva, to watch the Geminid Meteor Shower. Once there, we grabbed some blankets, and the golf cart, headed out amidst all of the animals of the earth, to a patch of grass next to the lake, and set up camp. In comparison to the last meteor shower we watched, this one had tons of meteors. Quite the site to behold! We ended up staying til about 4am, until finally calling it a night.

It's good to be back, for awhile,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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