Sunday, November 15, 2009

Borders, Movies, Dancing, & One Less Bear Than There Would Normally Be

Long awaited, Wednesday had finally arrived! What is it that was so exciting about Wednesday, you ask? Well, Wednesday was the day that Chris and I got to partake in a certain concert experience, hosted by one of my top five favorite bands: Minus The Bear! We arrived downtown, at Club Firestone, and waited in line for about 45 minutes, before the doors opened. We got inside, found a nice area that was rather close to the stage, and waited for the curtains to open. Supporting Minus The Bear were two bands that we had never heard of before. Both turned out to be quite mediocre, the second of which, Chris and I weren't able to tell if they played more than one song (They all just seemed to flow together... and when I say they, in relation to the songs, that's assuming that they did, in fact, play more than one, which I can't be too sure of). As expected, though, trudging through a few mediocre bands was well worth it, when Menos El Oso (That's Minus The Bear in Spanish) finally took the stage! They played an absolutely phenomenal show! The only thing I would have changed about it, was that they didn't play my favorite song by them, "Hooray", but otherwise, the setlist was spot on, and the music was executed perfectly. Sadly, though, despite our attempts to persuade them to return for a second encore, the show did eventually end... Twas a fun night, indeed!

After the normal Thursday routine came to an end, we were invited to attend a movie night, with a whole bunch of people from church, over at AP4. Bri and I arrived at the church, and after greeting everyone and hanging out for a bit, we eventually settled on a movie. The majority vote selected the movie Elf. Now, even though it's not even Thanksgiving yet, and therefore I cannot bring myself to approve of watching a Christmas movie yet, it is a very good movie, so I couldn't complain. Between movies, Jeanie, Kai, and myself entertained ourselves with a short bout of swing dancing, while Mateo showed us his Salsa dancing skills. Eventually, the group settled, once again, on watching the movie Nacho Libre. Not being a fan of that movie, neither Bri nor I felt like staying, so we said our goodbyes and headed over to a movie night at Tom's place, where we were also invited. We showed up for the very end of the movie "Knowing". After the movie had finished, we hung out for awhile, played Wii, and had a generally good time. Overall, this night was also a lot of fun.

After spending a large chunk of Friday, working on my Microteah #2, along with quite a bit of other schoolwork, Robert and I really felt like we needed to get out of the house and do something. Inspired by the aforementioned Michroteach that I was working on, it being about the lesser known operations and projects of the Cold War, we decided to go see the new movie, "The Men Who Stare At Goats", based off of Project Stargate, in which the American military had, under it's employ, no less than 20 "psychic" soldiers. It turned out to be as funny as I hoped it would be, and therefore made our movie-going endeavor a pretty good one. Not the most exciting day ever, but still much better than some previous others.

Saturday promised to be a good day! Thankfully, even though it took an unforeseen turn, it didn't disappoint! All day I was excited to go see the pirate metal band Alestorm, the folk metal band Eluvitie, as well as a few other death/black metal acts. Unfortunately, Chris was unable to attend, and Robert just hates concerts for some reason. So, it looked like it would be me, going by myself. Well, an hour before it was time to leave for the show, Dianna notified me that a group of my friends were going swing dancing, and wanted me to join them. I figured concert by myself, or swing with a bunch of friends. Well, I chose swing. Plus, there was a live band there, so I guess you could say I got to attend a concert as well! A tad less metal than the one I would have been at (Also less moshing, more roc-stepping), but hey, that's the good thing about being able to enjoy basically every existing genre of music; you can enjoy the show no matter what! So, there we were! We learned several new dance moves and the night turned out to be a rather splendid one!

Sunday morning, we awoke and headed over to church, as the normal Sunday routine usually goes. After the service had concluded, we met up with some of our friends for awhile, before heading back home. On the way home, Caitlin told us of different sandwich combination she had been experimenting with, and invited Chris and I over to enjoy some lunch. We all returned back to the apartment to work on the remainder of our schoolwork, for the week. Unfortunately, the rest of the day consisted of that, as well as sifting through duffel bags full of stuff I realized I hadn't unpacked since I've been here. Luckily, I've located my Christmas hats, for when December arrives!

Yeah, that's right... the sandwich got the picture to represent the day. It really may have been the most interesting item of the day.
Moving onto Monday, but skipping past all of the schoolwork. Bri invited Ryan Kelly and I to a prayer event on campus. It was pretty neat, and we stayed for about an hour, but as we had people coming over for Castle Night/Muffin Monday. We returned home, with about five minutes to spare, before the evening's events started. We, soon after, settled in and enjoyed this Monday's viewing of Castle. Afterwords, we migrated to the table, broke out the Banana Nut muffins, and decided on a topic. Whilst Ryan Kelly was cramming the entire muffin into his mouth, just to see if he could, Robert suggested that the topic of discussion be "the Border between the United States and Canada." We all got to wondering how thin the border line actually is. Because really, if there is a border line, the line itself has to be occupying some space, however small that space may be. Do they let people live on that line? If you live there, are you automatically a US/Canadian dual citizen? But then we got to thinking... who does the line belong to? Neither country is going to just give it up, so we figured that the only logical answer was that it belongs to Mexico. That's just the way it is... don't think about it too hard...

Do Na Da' Go Hv I (That's apparently goodbye in Cherokee),
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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