Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween & A Lot Of Free Chicken

Gather round, settle in, maybe bring some snacks; we have a week's worth of catching up to do. So, if you're all comfortable on your tacky sofas from Rooms-To-Go, then let's get on with it, shall we?
Tuesday commenced forth, as each preceding Tuesday for the past four weeks has done: Driving across town, once again, to a scarcely visited, remote corner of Orlando, to teach my assigned 2nd grade class. After that was over, I completed my long journey back, and killed the next several hours with mass quantities of schoolwork. Night fell, and it was time to head to the East Community Group Bible study. The study was good, as it usually tends to be, and as always, we hung out for a bit afterwords. One such event during this time included the breakdown of one of our friend's cars, as they tried to leave. And though my infinitesimally small automotive expertise came in about as handy as I thought it would (That being, it didn't), we did manage to get the car back in working order. We concluded the evening with several hours of conversation, until we all felt it was time to call it a night.

Wednesday came, and after classes and schoolwork had been completed for the day, I figured I'd head on over to Goodwill, to see if I might be able to find some new dress-shirts, as most of mine are now two sizes too big for me, and I'm sick of switching between my two remaining shirts, each week. I had no luck finding anything decent, but my search will continue; probably sometime this next week. Wednesday's been pretty compelling so far, right? Well, not much changed in the evening, either. There was college group, but we all felt as though we still had too much school work to do, and agreed to give college group a miss, for the third Wednesday in a row. We'll definitely attempt to make it this upcoming week, though...

8am. Alarm number one rings out obnoxiously. This event signifies me being able to register for next semester's classes. I arose from my bed and headed over to my computer, with the MyUCF website already fired up and ready to go. With a quick confirmation of my course shopping cart, I had all of my classes. All except one: "Special Permission Needed To Enroll For This Course", was the error message. Despite the fact that I took care of acquiring that special permission last summer, I wasn't surprised to see that nothing had actually gotten done about it in the UCF system. 15 minutes later, I found myself in the registrar's office, and after a quick conversation, I was completely enrolled for next semester. On my way home, I noticed that I had a free Chick-Fil-A breakfast coupon in my car. I figured I'd seize the opportunity and partake in an early morning poultry feast. The aforementioned events took place just before I remembered what was planned for the upcoming evening. That evening, Bri and I ventured over to First Baptist of Orlando to see the President of Chick-Fil-A speak. This, of course, included free chicken sandwiches. So, both of my meals for the day ended up being courtesy of Chick-fil-a. Not bad. The event was pretty great, and the evening turned out to be a lot of fun.

Classes for the week ended Friday afternoon, and what we were left with was the question of how best to keep ourselves entertained. For a few hours, Robert, JM, and myself set out on an expedition around town, checking out different thrift stores, purely for amusement purposes. No one ended up buying anything, but I did manage to procure a free Rise Against poster. Definitely can't complain about that. We returned home, and Robert decided to spend the rest of the evening in the most thrilling way he could possibly think of: a nap. Then there were two. We check out what we could do in town, and eventually settled on the dollar movie theater. It actually turned out to be $2.50, but I can forgive them of their deceit, as that's still incredibly lower than the absurd prices at the regular movie theater. Unfortunately, we arrived at the cinema an hour and 45 minutes too early. Thankfully, just down the road was park avenue CDs. A music store can entertain me for hours, and it would have if we didn't have somewhere to be. While we were there, though, we discovered that the Anti-Pop music festival was coming through Orlando on November 11th-14th and bringing with them a few amazing artists, including Minus The Bear, Copeland, Ensiferum, Alestorm, and Eluvitie. Guess what we're going to be doing that week? Anyways, getting back on track, we returned to the theater and concluded our night with a showing of the film District 9.

Enter Halloween Saturday. The first part of it was spent like any normal Saturday, except all of it in costume. The people of Walmart really seemed to enjoy my costume, though none really understood what it was. As it got later in the day, we decided what method of trick-or-treating we might go for. We chose a neighborhood and decided to follow along with a group of other random beggars. That, however, didn't turn out so great. The relentless chorus of parents, in this group, disapproving of the college aged trick-or-treaters, eventually got to the point where it was annoying enough to make us devise a new plan. Instead, we met up with a group of people JM knew, and decided to continue on with them. Definitely a much better idea, as well as one that made for a much more enjoyable experience. After we felt as though we had acquired enough candy from strangers, Robert, Ryan Kelly, and I set out to First Baptist for the annual Halloween party. 'Twas a grand time, and a fun way to end out the day. Plus, thanks to the few remaining farmers left in America, we got to set our clocks back, for one more hour of sleep. I'd thank them, but I know that in a few months, it'll be their fault for taking that hour of sleep back from us; so at the moment, I remain neutral on the subject.

This morning, after enjoying my extra hour of sleep, we made our way to church and enjoyed a great service. After lunch at the mall, Chris and I made our way back home. Several hours of schoolwork later, with occasional "Heroes" breaks in between, Chris and I headed to Downtown Disney to pick up tickets for the Mute Math/As Tall As Lions show coming up this Thursday. We got there, got our tickets, checked out the new hot air balloon, and watched the people at the magic shop preform some of their wizardry, for a little bit, before eventually heading back to the apartment. Now we're back and the time for sleep is fast approaching.

Ma’a Salama,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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