Saturday, November 21, 2009

Raves, Ant Hordes, and Astronomical Events

Tuesday, was a pretty normal day, for the most part. That evening, however, turned out to be pretty fun. I ended up showing up to the ECG Bible study about 45 minutes late, but the good news is that I arrived in time to be a part of a little bit of it, at least. After the Bible study concluded, I took Bri home, then got in contact with Robert and Ryan Kelly. From there we made plans to partake in the viewing of the Leonid Meteor shower. We waited around until about 12:30am, and then, subsequently, set out on a quest to find a dark place, in which to set up camp. Orlando, however, is a pretty big city, and furthermore, one with quite a few lights. Finding a dark place proved to be quite a challenge. After checking out an areal view of the city on Google maps, we decided that we would drive way down Alafaya, out to a scarcely populated area. Little did we know that along the road, the power plant had set up a rather massive roadblock, which we were unable to pass. We never ended up reaching that destination. We rethought our strategy and headed to some back roads behind UCF. On one such road, lo and behold, we found an observatory. Naturally, we figured it was the perfect place to set up shop for stargazing. We ended up seeing a few meteors, but definitely not the spectacular display that we had been promised. Still made for an enjoyable evening, though!

For the sake of saving you two paragraphs where I ramble on about how uneventful and schoolwork filled, Wednesday and Thursday were, I'll just condense them both into this single statement. Although, I figure whilst I have a free paragraph, I might as well address something important... Do you remember a few months ago when we crushed the ant hordes that plagued our apartment? Probably not, but it did happen. I was there. Anyway, they've found a new way in, and this time they've returned in somewhat legendary quantities. Their numerous legions have swept across the entire apartment. No place is safe. We'll be letting an exterminator handle it this time. As far as the only exciting event that has happened these last few days, is concerned, we brought back the 11:30 O'clock Rave. It's been about two years since that has taken place (Back, during our time at Southeastern), so it's definitely been awhile. Complete with rave music, dancing, glowsticks, flashlights, old timey lanterns, and the ravin' raven, the rave was, once again, the exciting event that we all remembered it to be.

Friday, we finished classes, and returned home to finish (that's right, you guessed it) more schoolwork! Once that was done, JM stopped by for awhile. We hung out til around 9 or so, until he had to depart. Fortunately, I remembered it was Friday (For some reason, for the entire day, I was thinking it was Thursday). I decided to head over to UCF for Swing Knights. Definitely glad that I did. Had a great time, met some new people, and learned quite a bit of new stuff! Overall, a fun night!

Bæ bæ (It's Icelandic),
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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