Thursday, October 22, 2009

All We Wanna Do Is Eat Your Brains

Well, once again, it's been a week since my last update. I'll do what I can to fill you in on the happenings of the past seven days. Why not get down to business and start off with Thursday?
Thursday started with my excruciatingly long Education class. Three hours of my professor reminiscing about Vietnam. How that relates to the subject material is anybody's guess. Note to self: Bring your Laptop to the next Face-to-Face class meeting... The rest of the day promised to be pretty exciting, though! We had plans to pick up a new couch, then assemble our zombie costumes for this year's Zombiecon. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, neither of those occurrences became reality. I'm not going to tell you that the day was a total bust, though... Yes, you guessed it! We made a rice bucket! Okay, let's be honest, not only did you probably not guess that, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Well, allow me to enlighten you. Chris hurt his ankle a while back and heard that a good way of helping it heal is to stick it in a large quantity of rice. Don't ask me why rice has any sort of magical healing abilities, I guess that's just the way the universe works. Anyways, Chris bought a 50lb. bag of rice, and we filled one of those large plastic cargo tubs full of it. Rice shoes? Yes. Magnificent, I know.

I was excited that Friday had arrived. That meant that I got to go visit back home. Always an enjoyable time. Spanish class finally ended, I arrived back at the apartment, packed my clothes and whatnot, and headed home. The car ride was uneventful, and I arrived home in time to see my parents before they left for dinner. About a half an hour later, I met up with Andrew, Kory, and Jess, over at Andrew's apartment complex, so we could put together our costumes for the following night. Even though we didn't have our entire outfits assembled, we still managed to creep out some of the apartment complex residents, hanging out, around the pool area, where we were working. We figured that instead of hanging the costumes up somewhere to dry (Also omitting the fact that we didn't actually have anywhere to hang them), we decided to wear them out and about, around the Fort. We stopped at Walmart to pick up a bit more theatrical blood, as well as to meet up with Matt, Kortney, and Tanni. From there, we decided upon Denny's, and ventured that way. Needless to say, three zombies and a guy in a bloody clown outfit turned out to be a somewhat unsettling sight for graveyard shift employees of that particular establishment.

Saturday was the big day: Zombiecon '09! After venturing around, with Kory, for a good bit of the morning, trying to find a road that turned out not to actually exist, we finally found Jess' house. Soon after, upon request of Kory, we found ourselves, once again, at his favorite place in the world, Sun Harvest, to sample mass quantities of orange juice, at no cost to us. There, we met up with Andrew and called up Russ. When we had the plans figured out, we headed back to my house to put the finishing touches on our zombie costumes. My mom also offered to provide us with some pizza, which was also very much appreciated! 7:00 arrived and it was time for us to head to Zombiecon! Kory, Russ, Jess, Tanni, Andrew, Robert, and I arrived and hung out for awhile until eventually meeting up with Jeff, Jimbo, Vanessa, and Ashley. Though significantly less organized than the previous year, Zombiecon turned out be quite a bit of fun. The target audience for this year's Zombiecon, unfortunately, was the general Fort Myers population, most of whom's idea of fun is basically getting drunk (Also many of whom did not seem to get the general idea that, at Zombiecon, you dress like a zombie, and not a ninja turtle or a duck). Fortunately, for people such as ourselves who don't partake in such activities, it's pretty easy to make our own bit of fun, involving, but not limited to: Chasing unsuspecting strangers across downtown, photo-ops, the art exhibit, meeting other creatively dressed zombies, and just enjoying the one night of the year where it's perfectly normal to just roam the streets of downtown, dressed as a reanimated, cannibalistic corpse (Though that's really never stopped us from doing things like that on other days of the year, anyways). Overall, it was a lot of fun seeing friends I hadn't seen in awhile, and once again enjoying the wonderful event that is Zombiecon.

Sunday morning, I awoke to my dad telling me that the first thing I'd be doing for the day was going to clean the office. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I like helping out, and cleaning the office, it's just that if you were up until 5am the night before, that's not the most pleasant of morning events. Afterwords, however, I met up with Sarah, for her lunch break, at the mall. Her bus from Miami got back late, the previous night, therefore not allowing her to attend Zombiecon, so we decided to go for some lunch, instead, while I was in town. So, we got to catch up for awhile, and eventually Kory joined us, but by that time, Sarah had to get back to work. On the way out of the mall, Kory spotted a kiosk showcasing the very first Super Mario game. He dazzled the owner of the kiosk with his super Nintendo skills, but we did have to leave, eventually, seeing as though I had to return to Orlando at some point.

Monday brought with it two significant things. First, Chris' brother Philip arrived to stay with us. Secondly, we, as always, had Muffin Monday/Castle night. Although, this time we didn't actually have any muffin mix, so we had cupcakes instead. The topic of discussion was chosen by Caitlin as German U-Boats. At the end of our deliberation, we concluded that they originate somewhere in the Indian Ocean, and even if you don't provoke them, they're still highly aggressive and probably will sink your seafaring vessel. Avoid U-Boat infested waters at all costs.

Honestly, nothing too particularly exciting happened on Tuesday. I'll give you a real quick rundown of the events of the day, plus a fictional event. Let's see if you can spot which one didn't happen: Classes, Mountains of School Work, slaying the hydra that was terrorizing Orlando, and the occasional break, in between, to watch a few episodes of Heroes, or The Office. Also, not enough people were able to make it to Tuesday's Bible study at Tom's house, so we didn't do that either.

Wednesday, we all got to go do something we'd been looking forward to for awhile. Bear Grylls, the host of Man vs. Wild, came to speak at a church, somewhat nearby, in Longwood. Chris, Bri, JM, Kyle, and I attended, and really enjoyed the event. Unfortunately, though, we didn't get to go meet him afterwords, as immediately following his presentation, he was mobbed by a few hundred other audience members. We returned to the apartment, and were joined by Ryan Kelly. We ended out the night, just hanging out, having a good time, and introducing Ryan Kelly to the wonderfully splendid game known as Apples To Apples.

Hopefully you'll end up hearing from me again before next week,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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