Thursday, October 8, 2009

VA (Victory Over Ants) Day

Could Tuesday have dragged on any longer? Eh, I suppose not. Nothing we can really do about the 24 hour day... I suppose we have the Aztecs to blame for that... Either way, though, the day felt like it lasted forever.

I arose at 9am, to "March of the Clocks", my annoyingly too cheerful for the morning, default alarm, and got ready for the day's commencement. First item of the day: Drive 30 miles to a school, out in the middle of nowhere, and observe a class for an hour. Of course, once that was over, it was time to drive another 30 miles back home (Guess what I get to do every Tuesday for the next five weeks). The next several hours were spent on large heaps of homework. Thankfully, 7:30 came around and things took a turn for the better! Left the house, picked up Bri, and headed to Tom's place for the Tuesday night, East Community Group Bible study. We had a great discussion, as always, then enjoyed hanging out for quite a bit, afterwords. Somehow, we got on the subject of paintball, which, subsequently, led Tom to bring out a few laser-tag pistols. Once we got the hang of them, the firefight was on! The house quickly turned into a battlefield, and the ultimate victor was finally decided by a five pace duel. Our adventures eventually led us to Tom's backyard, where we discovered a colossus of a spider. This took us back inside to learn the identity of the massive arachnid, via the internets. Well, that didn't last long... we quickly digressed to watching amusing Youtube videos, and learning everything you could ever possibly want to know about the Wizard of Oz. Yeah... try to imagine the rabbit trail that led there. The night concluded around 1AM, and then it was time to return to our beloved APT203.

Today ended up being a pretty tame day. A bit of schoolwork, a bit of relaxation, a bit of church, and a bit of victory. Yeah, that's right, today we triumphed over the dastardly ant kingdom. After sealing up the cracks in the front door, a while back, we were perplexed as to where they were still coming from. The solution came about as the result of a plan that required the use of an excessively inordinate amount of time. The decision was made to watch a single ant, and follow it's every move across the house. After an immensely long journey, the ant did, indeed, unwittingly lead us to the area of their perimeter breach. Oh, you ants thought you were so clever with your secret entry point, across the room, on the ceiling, but our plan went off without a hitch, and you brought about your own demise! Oh, irony! Actually, is that irony, or does that just suck? You don't know... You don't understand complicated English concepts; you're just an ant. Or, at least, you were... now you're dead. Victory is ours.

-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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