Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkins, Legumes, & Crabs! Oh My!

Picking up where we left off, Thursday wasn't the most exciting day ever. Basically, it consisted mostly of a great deal of homework, with breaks in between, catching up on Heroes: Season 2. That's really all I've got for Thursday...

Despite the fact that Chris and Caitlin ended up leaving for the weekend, Friday turned out to be a fun day. After classes ended, I hung out for a bit, and finished up a little more homework. Once I felt as though I had completed a sufficient amount for the day, Robert and I ventured over to the crafts store to see if we could find a few miscellaneous objects to spruce up our Halloween costumes. Later that evening, I decided to head over to UCF for Swing Knights. From about 8 to midnight, I enjoyed hanging out with other swing fans, dancing, meeting new people, learning new dance moves, and just having a good time. After the dance ended, I returned home and ended out the night, hanging out with Robert.

Saturday, our friend Melinda arrived in town. Around noon, I jumped into the car, and once again, headed over to UCF, to meet her and her mom for a quick lunch. It was a lot of fun getting to see them, hang out, and catch up for a bit. Following lunch, I made my return to the apartment. Robert and I deliberated as to what we should do to keep ourselves entertained for the remainder of the day. We decided that we should go scout out pumpkins, to see which Orlando pumpkin vendor would provide us with the best deals. Once we had completed our pumpkin scouting endeavor, we really had no desire to return home, as nothing exciting awaited us there. We inquired with the GPS on Robert's phone, and asked it to find us some nearby thrift stores. It, however, failed it's task and found us no such locations. We did, however, run across a nifty Asian supermarket. We killed some time in there, for a bit, and ultimately ended up leaving with a wonderful new set of reusable chopsticks! Add those to the list of awesome APT203 artifacts. Boosh!

Sunday probably turned out to be the most fun day of this entire past week. Starting, in chronological order, with the events of the morning, I left the apartment at about 9:50, expecting to arrive at UCF (which is about 7 minutes away), to pick up Bri, and head to church. Well, after numerous setbacks, and navigating my way through several police blockades, I managed to arrive at about 10:20. We immediately hit the road, and made our way to church. After a great service, we were given two options, as far as where everyone wanted to eat was concerned. Half of our friends headed to the mall food court, while the other half headed to CiCi's Pizza. Unable to conquer our indecision, we rolled down the windows on the way out of the parking lot and asked a random stranger to decide for us. Upon hearing his decision, we headed to the mall and met up in the food court with Ryan, Mateo, Stephen, and Jeanie, for some lunch. Once we had finished, we headed over to the Urban Outfitters store and browsed their immense and entertaining array of merchandise. Upon discovering that everyone else had left, Bri and I also made our exit, not forgetting to sample a few pieces of orange chicken, on the way out. On the drive home, we usually pass a bread factory, the smell of which is amazing when they're in the process of making bread. Several times we've discussed stopping in and seeing if they'd take us on a tour, but we've never actually followed through with it. Today we decided to change that. We took the exit towards the factory, and pulled into the establishment parking lot. Much to our dismay, however, as we approached the door, a man stopped us and informed us that they are closed on Sundays. Perhaps we'll try again next time... After dropping off Bri, I headed home and, once again, spent quite a few hours on schoolwork. Eventually, Chris arrived back to the apartment from Fort Myers. We hung out for awhile, until receiving a call from John, asking us if we'd enjoy going crab hunting at Cocoa Beach, again. Chris and I ventured to the coast, accompanied by John, Lindsay, James Greenwood, and Christian. Once again, we caught quite a few crustaceans. So much so that their holding bucket began to overflow. Also, turns out, I'm a pretty skilled crab hunter... who knew? I wonder if that'll ever come in handy for anything? Before leaving the Cocoa area, John decided we should stop by the 24 hour Dunkin Donuts. I don't recommend their peach tea. If you've ever wondered what an antique store tastes like, try one of those. A few other people tried a bit of it, and we all agreed that that's really the most accurate way of describing it's taste. There was just something about it... Finally, we made our way back to Orlando, ending an exciting day.

Monday, I awoke early and headed to school for Spanish class. Immediately following, I moseyed over to the IDS office and met with my advisor, about my remaining class schedule, as Thursday will be the day that Seniors can sign up for classes. Luckily, the meeting went very well, and the advisor informed me that I seemed to be on the right track to graduation. On the way home, I stopped by the pumpkin patch and grabbed a couple pumpkins, as today was the day we planned to do our annual pumpkin carving extravaganza. Chris, Robert, and I were joined by Caitlin, JM, John, Lindsay, Christian, and Leslie, and the pumpkin carving commenced! Chris made a volcano pumpkin, JM made a fancy pumpkin, complete with monocle, Caitlin made a headless horseman pumpkin, John and Lindsay made a spider pumpkin, Leslie enscribed the letter "A" into her pumpkin, Robert made pumpkin Cthulhu, and I constructed a pumpkin eating another, smaller, pumpkin. 'Twas a smashing success!

Following the pumpkin carving, and now joined by Ryan Kelly, we returned indoors for Muffin Monday/Castle night. After an exciting Halloween edition of Castle, we sat down for Muffin Monday, this week, with special Halloween edition pumpkin muffins. This week's topic of discussion: Legumes. We managed to not actually discuss legumes, however, but instead dance around the topic, discussing things loosely associated with, or sounding like the word legumes. At first, someone pointed out that legumes sounded like lagoons, which digressed into a discussion about how it would be amazing if someone combined the premises of the shows "Gilligan's Island" and "LOST". We also discussed how George Washington Carver didn't actually work with peanuts, but instead, peanuts were just his cover, as he worked with the Japanese, during World War II, trying to help them complete their work on the Death Ray before the United States could complete the Atomic Bomb. Yes, all of this and more came from the simple topic of legumes. Such is to be expected, and is quite typical of Muffin Mondays...

Tofa! (That's goodbye in Samoan)
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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