Monday, October 5, 2009

Sputnik, Swing Dancing, & Orlando Traffic

Please allow me a few seconds to formulate some new excuses for why I haven't updated in a few days... First, lets start with the fact that my professor suddenly decided to annihilate whatever free time I once had. Also, I've been trying to find some new Modern Swing music. Fun results include "Big Bad Voodoo Daddy", "Wolfgang Parker", and my personal favorite "Movits!" (Swedish Swing Music with hip-hop vocals. I love it because it's amazingly different... check it out)

Well, from this past Thursday, the only thing that I can remember is that I absolutely conquered my Microteach #1. I have a somewhat large fear of public speaking (Then again, the fear of public speaking is more prevalent than the fear of death), so I thought I'd fly right through the speech in about 5 minutes (As opposed to the 15 minute minimum), and do terrible. Turns out, I passed the minimum requirement and reached 21 minutes. As I passed 15, I was told I hit the mark, but the rest of my class encouraged me to keep going, as they were apparently really enjoying my lesson. Not the most exciting thing ever, but it was the most exciting event of that day, plus I'm one step closer to conquering my fear of public speaking. Boosh!

Friday turned out to be a lot of fun! After Robert introduced me to the show "Burn Notice", I decided I'd head over to UCF for Swing Knights (Swing Dancing). I tried to see if I could get people to come along, but everyone I asked already had stuff going on. Robert was going to join me, but due to the fact that the floor of his room is comparable to an abyss, he sliced his foot open on a crowbar, and was unable to even fit his newly bandaged foot into a shoe, which subsequently meant that he was now unable to join me. So, I made my way down there thinking that since no one else could come, I'd just stay for the free lesson, then head back home. On my way out, however, I ran into some friends I hadn't seen in a year or two. They convinced me to stay for the dance, and I'm glad that I did. I had a really good time! Afterwords, I returned to the apartment and ended the night with Chris and Robert, as we watched the delightfully odd Japanese film, "Battle Royale".

Saturday ended up being a pretty chill day. Our only real event of the day was that Robert and I went to go see Zombieland. I didn't have very high expectations for it, thinking that it would be cheesy and crude. Surprisingly, it was neither. It turned out be a really good, really funny movie. If you enjoy the Zombie genre, I highly recommend it.

Sunday, we woke up and made our way over to Church. After a really good church service, a few of us moseyed over to Zaxby's, once again, for some lunch. A few hours later, we concluded our lunch and discussion, and made our way home. Upon our arrival, we remembered that October 4th is Sputnik Day! Since we forgot to actually make any plans, Robert improvised and made us all some corndogs, for dinner. Not your typical Sputnik Day celebration, but it worked, nonetheless. Later, we were invited to the G's (Grant and Graham's) place for the hang out extravaganza with the two of them and Crystal. 'Twas a fun time! We enjoyed some Apples To Apples, Jenga, Cutthroat Pool, and some other game, the name of which, I can't remember, that we'd never heard of before. Either way, it was a lot of fun. Sadly, we had to depart home and continue our college studies. I've decided that the whole school thing kinda ruins college...

Today, after hours upon hours of homework, Robert, JM, and I rewarded ourselves with some half price sushi at Kirin Sushi. The first time I've ever had chicken sushi. It was actually pretty good. Afterwords, the three of us returned to the apartment, only to find Chris and Ryan Kelly waiting for us. While we waited for our blueberry muffins to finish baking, we enjoyed a few rounds of Rockband. Once the muffins finished, we all sat down and it was tasked to Ryan Kelly to choose this week's topic of discussion. This week: Orlando Traffic. We decided that it was better than Canadian traffic (Consisting mainly of yaks), and definitely better than human trafficking. At some point we digressed to discussing how the stems of falling apples disrupt the earth's orbit. Either way, it turns out we were all deceived, and that Ryan Kelly secretly changed the topic of discussion to himself. Surprise! Later on, Caitlin joined us for our Monday viewing of this week's new episode of Castle. We've noticed that each week, our Castle viewing group seems to grow. The first week, Caitlin joined us, the next week JM and Caitlin joined us, then this week we added Ryan Kelly to our group. At this rate, by the time the season finale comes around, our living room may not be able to accommodate everyone.

-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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