Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bagels: They Could Save Your Life

Yeah... yeah... I know... I said I'd get better about updating more often. But don't pay any attention to the fact that I haven't updated in almost a week. Instead, let's jump right into it, shall we?
Friday! Yeah, no... nothing really happened on Friday. Couldn't really get a hold of anyone, and Robert didn't want to leave the apartment. So, just turned out to be one of those boring nights. I suppose, besides classes, earlier that day, that really about sums up Friday. It gets better, though, I promise!

So, Saturday arrives, I wake up bright and early, pick up Bri from UCF, and shortly thereafter, we set out across town to meet up with David, Adriana, Chris (not the Chris I live with), and Ryan for a grand spectacle of sorts: the Toy Story I & II 3D double feature. Considering I'd never seen the second installment of this particular movie saga, the 3D made it that much more enjoyable. The movies ended, and after quite a bit of indecision, the group finally settled on a place to eat. We enjoyed the Ale House, but couldn't quite shake the feeling that our server was up to something sinister... though we never did find out what. After the meal had concluded we left the restaurant and returned to the car. Just then, Chris suggests we head to 5 Guys Burgers & Fries. We just ate... funny right? Nah, he wasn't kidding... That's restaurant #2. But did it stop there? Of course not. Restaurant #3 was Wendy's for free Frostys. Finally, we finished off our dinner tour of the fine cuisines of Orlando and stopped by Walmart. Basically, that entailed all of us wearing all of the cloaks from the Halloween isle, lurking around the store, while simultaneously doing our shopping.

The morning was upon us, again, and so our Sunday began with our trip to Church. After hearing a really good speaker, a few of us (Chris, Caitlin, John, Lindsay, and I) made our way over to Jimmy-John's for some lunch. We discussed the possibility of heading over to the Zendah Grotto, for some Swing Dancing, later that evening. Everyone thought it to be a grand idea, and the plans were made. Fast forward to later that evening... John, Lindsay, and Christian are all ready to leave, from their side of town. Caitlin and I are also ready to head that way. Chris, however, is nowhere to be found. He had previously gone out to do some Parkour, but said he'd be back around 5:30, as we had to leave at 6. Well, the current time is 6:45, but still, no one can get a hold of him. Caitlin and I killed a little more time, and learned some complicated swing moves, including "The Pretzel". Finally, we got a hold of him, but, as it turns out, it was now too late to go, anyways, so we called off the dancing endeavor. Instead, John invited us to come to Cocoa Beach and go Crab Hunting with them. We soon after jumped in the car, met up with them, and made our way to Cocoa. The Crab Hunting turned out to be a lot of fun! I believe that we caught somewhere in the vicinity of around 15 to 20 crabs. And yes, we named each one. All told, Sunday ended on a good note!

I honestly can't tell you that much in the way of exciting occurrences happened for most of the day on Monday. Just mountains of schoolwork. Fortunately, it did get better, later on. Tom gave Chris and I a call and wanted to know if we'd like to meet him for dinner at Olive Garden. After a few hours of hanging out, between the initial phone call, and the actual dinner, we ended up heading to the restaurant, now accompanied by John Michael. 'Twas a lot of fun, and definitely a nice break from the usual Easy Mac, or cereal.

Time and space were not altered in any way, and that meant that the following day was Tuesday, as predicted. It would be kinda neat, though, if the week changed itself up every once in awhile... you know, just to keep us on our feet. But anyways, Tuesday means that it's time to drive 30 miles, out to the middle of nowhere, to teach 2nd grade students for about an hour. The class went pretty well, and the students informed me that I was the nicest teacher they'd ever had. I know that since they're only in second grade, I didn't have a lot of competition for that ranking, but it was nice to hear that, anyways! Later that evening, after returning to this side of civilization, it was time to go to the East Community Group Bible Study at Tom's house. We began our new series on the book of Romans, which I'm really looking forward to, in the coming weeks. Overall, it was, once again, very informative, and enjoyable. After a few quick Wii Sports tournaments, it was time to return home for the night.

The suspense was building, I know. You're all most likely wondering: "What's with the title of this post?" Well, as I provide the explanation of the events that transpired on Wednesday, you will receive your answer. After a good bit of homework, it was time to take one of our bi-weekly, full apartment, trips to the grocery store. Chris, Caitlin, Robert, and I piled into Robert's Mini and arrived at the food library. I decided that this week, I'd enjoy having some bagels for breakfast. We arrived in the bagel isle and began to marvel at the many different varieties of bagels. As we searched, a man drove up in a motorized shopping cart, and stopped right behind me. I moved out of his way, thinking he wanted some bagels, but I was wrong. Instead, he had a message for me: "Choose your bagels wisely" he said, "Bagels could, one day, save your life." At that, he continued on his way, leaving us in a state of bewilderment. I still don't know who this ominous bagel messenger was, but you don't just ignore sagely advise such as that. I took heed of his instructions and carefully selected the very best looking bag of blueberry bagels. A few hours later, we got ready to journey across town for the Wednesday night college group. Just before we were about to jump onto the interstate, I got a call from Bri, wondering if we had left yet. Since we were still in that general area, we swung over to UCF and picked her up. By the time we hit 408, however, we realized that College Group would pretty much be over by the time we got there, so we decided to have a movie night, back at our apartment, compliments of our new Roku player, instead! We searched the Netflix "Watch Instantly" selection for a good 45 minutes, before finally settling on a few new episodes of The Office. Though we didn't make it to church, I still feel like we all had a lot of fun.

Now you know,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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