Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Origami & Ants... But Not Origami Ants

What did we do today, you ask? Or at least that's why I assume you've come to this blog. Well, allow me to fill you in:
Early this morning, I awoke to the sound of Robert's alarm clock, as I usually do. It tends to go off a few minutes before mine, but once I'm up, I'm up. I spent the next several hours finishing up the homework that I neglected to complete yesterday. Enthralling blog post, so far, I know...

Moving on, I headed out, across town, around 2, to go get re-trained for my JA Service Learning assignment. I received the wonderful news, last week, that the school I was assigned to, dropped out of the JA program, so I had to go get re-trained for a different school, classroom, and grade. Unfortunately, today was supposed to be the day I started the actual Service Learning, but now that's all bumped back a week... Oh well, what are ya gonna do, right? I seized the opportunity, since I was already on that side of town, to exchange my old lab coat for one that wasn't so gigantic. Now I have a delightful new lab coat, that's actually the right size! Boosh! One step closer to completing my Halloween costume (Not the reason I bought the coat in the first place, but it works for it). Definitely going for the FIF "The End Is Near" scientist, this year.

Later this afternoon, the time came to go to Tom's place for the Tuesday night Bible Study. Enjoyable, as always. Upon my return to APT203, I found Robert, hard at work on one of the new hobbies he's trying out: Origami. I asked him to make me a swan, he made me a box...

On the flipside, Chris made an interesting discovery: Ants seem to be immune to microwaves. If you didn't know, we've been waging a war against the colony of ants that have been making their way into our apartment via an unknown entry point, as we've sealed up pretty much every potential gateway we've found. The crafty buggers also, somehow gained entry into the microwave... Your guess as to how they did so, is as good as ours. Anyways, Chris decided to unleash the equivalent of a miniature, 25 second supernova upon them. He opened the door, only to find them still prancing about, as if nothing had happened. Even after another 30 seconds, they were still flaunting their imperiousness to microwaves. One thing is for sure, though... These highly intelligent, radioactive ants may have won this battle, but we will triumph in the war.

Over & Out,
-Nick, Robert, and Chris

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