Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Origami & Ants... But Not Origami Ants

What did we do today, you ask? Or at least that's why I assume you've come to this blog. Well, allow me to fill you in:
Early this morning, I awoke to the sound of Robert's alarm clock, as I usually do. It tends to go off a few minutes before mine, but once I'm up, I'm up. I spent the next several hours finishing up the homework that I neglected to complete yesterday. Enthralling blog post, so far, I know...

Moving on, I headed out, across town, around 2, to go get re-trained for my JA Service Learning assignment. I received the wonderful news, last week, that the school I was assigned to, dropped out of the JA program, so I had to go get re-trained for a different school, classroom, and grade. Unfortunately, today was supposed to be the day I started the actual Service Learning, but now that's all bumped back a week... Oh well, what are ya gonna do, right? I seized the opportunity, since I was already on that side of town, to exchange my old lab coat for one that wasn't so gigantic. Now I have a delightful new lab coat, that's actually the right size! Boosh! One step closer to completing my Halloween costume (Not the reason I bought the coat in the first place, but it works for it). Definitely going for the FIF "The End Is Near" scientist, this year.

Later this afternoon, the time came to go to Tom's place for the Tuesday night Bible Study. Enjoyable, as always. Upon my return to APT203, I found Robert, hard at work on one of the new hobbies he's trying out: Origami. I asked him to make me a swan, he made me a box...

On the flipside, Chris made an interesting discovery: Ants seem to be immune to microwaves. If you didn't know, we've been waging a war against the colony of ants that have been making their way into our apartment via an unknown entry point, as we've sealed up pretty much every potential gateway we've found. The crafty buggers also, somehow gained entry into the microwave... Your guess as to how they did so, is as good as ours. Anyways, Chris decided to unleash the equivalent of a miniature, 25 second supernova upon them. He opened the door, only to find them still prancing about, as if nothing had happened. Even after another 30 seconds, they were still flaunting their imperiousness to microwaves. One thing is for sure, though... These highly intelligent, radioactive ants may have won this battle, but we will triumph in the war.

Over & Out,
-Nick, Robert, and Chris

Monday, September 28, 2009

We'd Appreciate Our Livestock Back...

'Twas a busy Monday. Started off with our daily classroom ventures, then it was back home to finish a bit of homework. After I'd completed roughly half, Pat invited me to view the new webcam feeds in their apartment. It's funny how everything else becomes incredibly interesting when you've got homework to do, so, I happily obliged. I then proceeded to log on and speak to Pat and John via that method of communication. It was pretty neat. Seems like it would be a fun thing to do here. Robert thought so, as well, and began to think of ways in which we might be able to replicate the idea. So, if anything comes of that in the near future, we'll keep you posted.

Soon after, Robert and I decided to head out to the bazaars of Orlando, and run some errands. After acquiring the items we set out for, I had to stop by the bank. While conversing with the bank teller, Robert sat in the waiting area and found a coloring book. As he colored, he reached a predicament, of sorts. What color to color the animated mouse's eyes? He leaned over and asked the girl next to him if she could provide him with the information he needed. She didn't seem to have any ideas, but simultaneously, did seem to be a little creeped out. Despite this setback, Robert did finish his multichromatic masterpiece, and it now hangs proudly on our refrigerator.

Today was, once again, as you all know, Muffin Monday. We celebrated around 9, tonight. This week, however, John-Michael joined us. As the guest of honor, he was given the opportunity to pick this week's topic of discussion. The topic: Alien Abduction. We decided that we're a little tired of them stealing our cows... ya know... it gets old. You buy a cow, then the next day, you go outside and find an "I.O.U. 1 Cow" note in it's place. They never do replace your cow, though... There's gotta be something to it, though. We figure that if the aliens are smart enough to build machines that not only enable space travel, but also tractor beams used for abduction, who's to say that haven't built machines that turn beef into, say, teriyaki burgers? Either way, you can rest assured that while you read this, plans are being formulated to reciprocate the gesture and abduct one of them. So, to our neighbors: If you've somehow managed to find this blog and decided to follow it, and if you see us up on the roof, wielding odd, makeshift contraptions, there's a good possibility that that's what we're doing. Then again, that may be for something completely different, as well... you never really know...

Fare thee well,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Five Iron Frenzy Saved The Day

So, you thought the hiatus between the last two APT203 posts was long? Well, it was. But this one was longer. We'll try not to do that again. Let's see if my musings can do Tuesday through Sunday (Hoping I remember all of the events that transpired) any justice...
Tuesday started off with some bad news for Chris. The tires on his car apparently had some sort of feud with the rest of his vehicle and started trying to leave. To avoid being a casualty of collateral damage, brought on by the aforementioned debacle, he had to hold off on driving his car until he could take it in to the auto repair shop to get counseling and set everything back to peace and equilibrium.
For Robert and I, this meant that we were in charge of driving Chris to different destinations of his choosing. That morning, Chris and I woke up early, had some breakfast smoothies, and headed across town to Adidas. The rest of the day commenced as usual, and then the time came to go to the Tuesday night Bible study at Tom's place. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend because Chris needed another ride across town. It's okay, though! There's always next week!

Wednesday, not much in the way of exciting things happened until later in the evening. JM, Kyle, and I headed over to First Baptist of Orlando for the Wednesday night College Group. It was a fun time, as always. Heard a good message, played some makeshift table-top four square, and then waited around until about 11:30, entertaining ourselves with tennis equipment in the empty parking lot, til it was time to go pick up Chris from Adidas. While the remaining employees closed up shop, we decided to have a little fun. We stood motionless, at the windows, staring ominously at Chris. Every time he moved to a different location, we followed. Chris obviously knew who we were, but we apparently frightened the other employees quite a bit. Overall, great success!

The good majority of Thursday was spent doing homework. Started at 9am and finished around 2:30. After I had successfully conquered all of my homework, I got to relax for a little while. Later on, Caitlin arrived. It was decided that dinner should be made, so we journeyed to Target and acquired the necessary foodstuffs. The delicious feast was completed and subsequently enjoyed by all. The night ended with my first ever attempt to make a music video for one of my Mashups. Here's how it turned out:

Friday followed with the newest installment of Brunch Thursday. Robert, aided by his new deep-fryer, prepared some doughnut holes for us. They were no less than delectable. We soon after embarked onto our final educational sessions of the week and then got ready to venture down to the Fort. Upon our arrival, I dropped off John-Michael, and was soon after invited to watch a movie with Kory, Maggie, and Kelsey. About 45 minutes into the movie, a vote was cast, and it was unanimously decided that the movie was absolutely terrible. We took the video back to Blockbuster and spent the next hour, to no avail, trying to find a new one. Once it became clear that we couldn't decide on a new movie, we just ended up heading back to Kelsey's place and watching Back To The Future. You can't go wrong with that.

Saturday, we celebrated Matt's birthday. A big group of us moseyed over to Ale House for the birthday dinner, then regrouped at Matt's house, afterwords. We all had a lot of fun. Most everyone congregated in the living room and played Rockband, while Kory and I jammed on our violins. Mostly, that just entailed us trying to learn how to play The Song of Time. Soon, though, I'll get the hang of it, and the ability to shift night to day (And Vice Versa) will be available to me, at my very whim. So, that's definitely something to look forward to...

I can't tell you what Chris, nor Robert, did on Sunday (mostly because I really don't know, and also because they never update their parts of the blog), but the first half of mine was spent transporting furniture to my Grandpa's apartment, then helping my dad out with miscellaneous duties around the office. I was supposed to go to lunch with Sarah and Paris, but unfortunately, those plans ended up falling through. On the bright side, though, there were festivities going on over in Gateway. So, a few of us headed that way and enjoyed some volleyball, relaxation, and the company of good friends.

After hanging out at Gateway for a bit, the time finally came to head back to Orlando. For some reason, after a little while of driving, the car seems to have an effect to it, that makes you a tad sleepy. I cranked up the air and the music, but that didn't seem to help... That is, until a Five Iron Frenzy song came on. I realized that I was noticeably more awake for the duration of that song. As soon as it ended, however, I started getting sleepy again. Using my incredible powers of discernment, I decided that FIF would be the correct music choice for the remainder of the ride. They did the trick, and that's the tale of how Five Iron Frenzy kept me awake, and saved the day, once again! Also, as a fun side note, halfway up I-75, I get a call from Chris. Much to my surprise, he began to recite the lyrics to the exact song I was listening to. Turns out, he randomly found me on the interstate and tuned into the radio station that my iPod FM Transmitter operates on, and was able to listen to the music on my iPod, in his car. We've arrived, safely, back to Orlando, and are now currently awaiting whatever adventures tomorrow may bring.

Until then,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Violins, Ponce de Leon, & Steampunk Day

Wow, so a bit of a hiatus, there... My apologies to anyone who actually reads this!
I guess this post will attempt to cover the events of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. However, since I can't recall anything exciting happening on Friday, I'll just spare you any sort of nonsensical rambling that I may have done to commemorate the lack of exciting occurrences of that day, and skip to Saturday. Then again, most of this whole last paragraph has been one big ramble... So I guess you weren't spared after all. This blog post will apparently show you no mercy...

Saturday- Having previously talked with the good people at Atlantic Strings Violin Shop, I was informed that my eBay violin purchase was somewhat of a colossal rip-off. For the violin to even get close to playable condition, I would have to replace pretty much everything, including the strings, bridge, and tuning pegs. All told, that would cost me more than I bought the instrument for, in the first place. I inquired as to what I should do about this dilemma, and fortunately, they had some good news for me! As of right now, Atlantic Strings has a violin special going on. I found a really nice new instrument, marked down from $350 to $109. Definitely excited about that! But could I afford it? And what would I do with my old one? Well, not coincidentally, the latter question solves the former question. JM and I spent the day exploring the Pawn Shops of Orlando. As they all recognized what a gigantic swindle that violin had been, as well, the most I was able to get for it was $30. Luckily, the difference was what I would have had to pay for all the replacement parts anyways. So, now it was a question of: Put new parts on a cheap instrument, or use that same money to buy a significantly higher quality instrument, with all of those parts standard? Well, the choice was resoundingly clear, and now Value Pawn is the proud owner of my old violin. My new violin arrives Wednesday!

That very same day, we acquired Rockband 2. Now, with songs by such artists as: Coheed & Cambria, Underoath, The Devil Wears Prada, Modest Mouse, Rise Against, Between The Burried & Me, Kutless, All That Remains, Mastodon, A Day To Remember, and others, we have something to, not only, enjoy, but also entertain company with! So, hooray for that!

Sunday morning we headed out to our church, First Baptist of Orlando, and, as always, enjoyed the service. Afterwords, we moseyed on over to the building next door to enjoy some $1 coffee drinks, provided by Starbucks. The lot of us usually go out to lunch somewhere, after service, but this week, everyone dispersed to their own separate activities, for one reason or another. Although, four of us (John, JM, Bri, and I) did end up hanging out at Zaxby's for an hour or so, before making the journey back home. The rest of the day was just spent catching up on homework and things of that nature.

The next morning followed with another successful Muffin Monday. This week's topic of discussion: Ponce De Leon. It was decided that if he ever did find the Fountain of Youth, a battle between him, the Highlander, and possibly Dorian Grey, would be no less than epic. Also, a little known fact, tying into the short stature of Ponce De Leon... The reason America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, and not "Columbia" after Columbus, was because Columbus turned out to just be Ponce De Leon, standing on Napoleon Bonaparte's shoulders. I really don't recall how we reached that conclusion, but nonetheless, the Board of People-Who-Name-Continents-After-Other-People frowned upon their devious scheme. I know... we were just as surprised by this information as you were...

Continuing on through Monday, Robert discovered that it was the birthday of H.G.Wells, and declared the day "Steampunk Day." And what better way to celebrate Steampunk Day than with a free Hot Air Balloon ride? Well, it just so happened that UCF was hosting free hot air balloon rides, on campus! Unfortunately, the rides were postponed due to bad weather, and didn't begin until the sun went down. Then again, it was also first-come-first-serve, so battling 55,000 other students would have made us less likely to actually be able to get a ride, anyways. It was the thought that mattered, though. Instead, we all just hung out back at the apartment and enjoyed the Season 2 premier of Castle.

-Nick, Chris, & Robert

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Great Faucet Debacle: Resolved

Now to catch you up on the events of Wednesday and Thursday.
Even though I'd rather mix things up and start with Thursday, I figure starting with Wednesday follows a more logical progression... Anyways, Wednesday came and went without much in the way of exciting events taking place. That is, except for that maintenance finally came and fixed the faucet! It only took a month and a half of asking, to finally get them up here. At the rate of 1 gallon every three and a half minutes for a month and a half, that roughly comes out to... a lot of water. Funny thing is, though... it's kinda quiet up here now... possibly a little too quiet. Don't think that turning it back on hasn't crossed our minds...

After that was finally resolved, we made our way over to the church for College Group. 'Twas a fun way to finish out the day.
Thursday came, and brought with it an event that we've been excited for, for a while now: The Great Faith Debate! The participants in this verbal joust were none other than Dinesh D'souza, representing Christianity, versus Christopher Hitchens, representing Atheists. At the risk of sounding incredibly biased, I felt like D'souza came out on top. Even when D'souza was not given an opportunity to make a rebuttal, I was still, myself, able to pick out quite a few flaws and misrepresentations in Hitchen's arguments. Ever present was the use of dodging questions (replaced with humor), as well as a few straw-man and Ad Absurdum fallacies. Nonetheless, the debate was a lot of fun, and very informative! I could have sat there and watched for another few hours, but alas, it had to end... Afterword's, however, we all enjoyed dinner at Jimmy-John's and then dollar bowling with Chris, JM, Ryan Kelly, Brant, Charlene, Weston, and I. So, all told, the night turned out to be as much fun as we hoped it would!

Readers, adieu!
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

Thursday, September 17, 2009

There's No Such Thing As Goodbye...

Perhaps, when you passed your kindly neighborhood viking, today, you noticed that he looked indescribably downtrodden. Hopefully, you stopped and offered your condolences... because today was the day that our friend Craig moved back to North Carolina. This entry is dedicated to him.

To you, our friend, we will miss you more than you know. It has been an amazing privilege to have gotten the chance to know you this past year and a half. You've been an amazing blessing in my life, not just as someone with an unrivaled sense of humor, and the ability to always make us laugh, but also as an example of someone who seems to always demonstrate the uncompromising drive to follow Christ in everything. I know that God has called you back to North Carolina for a reason, and wherever this new path leads, you're going to make a lasting impact, there, as you did here.
I also know that there's no such thing as goodbye, only "See you later," but in the mean time, I'm going to miss having someone else around who truly understands what it means to be Grim and Frostbitten.

Always know that you have a family here, in Florida, who loves you. We're only just a phone call, text message, or Facebook post away, so whether it be just to stay in contact, or if there's anything you ever need, we'll be here. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we'll miss the Orlando we knew with you here. But again, there's no such thing as goodbye, only "see you later."

So, see you later, my friend
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Pseudo Scythe Cache

Gather 'round, and make yourselves comfortable for the tale of Sunday and Monday...

This Sunday commenced forth, as typical Orlando Sundays usually do: Church in the Morning, lunch with friends afterword, then some time for a little rest and whatnot. Later that night, Chris, Bri, and I journeyed to Kissimmee to join Craig and the rest of the gang (And by gang, I don't mean group of people involved in miscellaneous criminal activities, though, with our combined skill sets, I think we would make for a pretty mischievous crew, if that's what we decided to set our efforts towards) for a night of bowling! As always, with our wonderful friends, you can't help but have a great time! Also, we got to wondering, why we don't live in that part of town... Some available activities include a large castle structure, Paradise (Apparently it's been there the whole time), a street by the name of Seven Dwarfs, and the icing on the cake: The Viking Motel!

This evening, the lot of us gathered together again for a feast, at the Pig & Whistle, in honor of Craig, who is heading back to North Carolina tomorrow. We enjoyed the company of our amazing friend, and hopefully, he'll be stopping by none other than APT203, in a bit, and hanging out with us, here, for the rest of the night.

On the ride back home, in the midst of Robert explaining to us our Steampunk aliases, a debate was struck up over the pronunciation of certain words. These words included "Pseudo," "Cache," "Crayon," "Scythe," and one other mystery word that none of us could remember after we moved onto our second word. We tried getting one of the pay-toll operators involved, hoping it would solve the conflict, but it only made things worse, as they offered yet another possible pronunciation. We believe we've settled on the proper vocalization of the word "scythe", wherein the only challenge left is convincing Jeff to say it properly, but as for the rest of the words, if we continue to neglect the ever useful online dictionary, your input on these matters would be greatly appreciated.

Entering the apartment complex, we spied a free dining room table, in excellent condition. Once we came to the realization that fitting it into the Mini Cooper wasn't going to happen, we devised a plan to have me stand guard over the newly acquired furniture, while Chris brought back his car. So, for the next 15 minutes, there I sat, at the entrance to the apartment complex, greeting our new neighbors and waiting for Chris to return...

Behold! Our new dining room table!

The night concluded with Muffin Monday Midnight Madness! The rules for Muffin Monday (as far as time is concerned) have yet to be set in stone, though, if we ever gain access to a tablet and chisel, that wouldn't be a bad idea... maybe a wall decoration or something...
But anywho, this week's topic of discussion was The Minotaur! We got to thinking... the Minotaur is half man, half bull, right? Well, do you think it thinks people thoughts, or bull thoughts (Like "Hey, we're out of things a Minotaur needs), or possibly a combination of the two? That eventually, somehow, segued into a discussion about how screwed up Robert's firstborn son is going to be when Robert makes him go on an unaccompanied quest to Hawaii to throw a ring into a volcano, or something along those lines, the day he turns 8... But hey, we'll leave that one for Child-Services to worry about...

Hasta luego, friends,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Burn Blog After Reading

Well, it happened, as we all, inevitably, knew it would: I missed a couple of days worth of updates, due to the combination of a busy schedule, and the fact that I can't ever get Robert to update on the days I'm unavailable. So, what's been going on for the past few days, in the land of APT203, you ask? Well, allow me to fill you in...

As you all are well aware, Friday is "Brunch Thursday!" In preparation for the following morning, JM stayed the night on Thursday night, so we could rise, bright and early to take my first shot at turning regular bread into delectable french toast. Well, we did just that (Though the "delectable" part is up for debate). Our feast amounted to no less than 40 pieces of french toast, as well as a large pile of sausage and scrambled eggs.
Much to our dismay, we, one by one, discovered that each of our confirmed guests had been called elsewhere, last minute, to attend events that were less optional than brunch. We, of course, understood and the four of us enjoyed our mid-morning banquet.
This, however, is us, missing you guys...

There's always next week! =)

After our daily educational enterprises had come to an end, the weekend had arrived. We lounged about for an hour or so, then headed across town to help John and Pat move into their new apartment! We expected that we would still be there, moving, into all hours of the night, but we ended up finishing in a rather quick amount of time. The events that transpired afterwords involved Hawaiian pizza and a movie. All told, we had a fun time! (Also, as a side note... upon my arrival, John gifted to me, an amazing electric typewriter that he thought I would enjoy! And yes, yes I really do! Thank you, again!)

Following the events of Friday, came Saturday, as it usually does, except on those rare occasions when Friday gives Saturday and Sunday a miss and goes straight into Monday. But continuing on into the weekend, I decided to lend a hand with the restore the streets project, down on Orange Blossom Trail. I left at noon, so I figured I would arrive around 12:15... Man, was I wrong...
As I was heading out, I received a call from JM, so I asked him if he wanted to come along. He agreed, so I moseyed on toward UCF. Well, on my way there, I realize that my gas light is on. So, to the gas station! Now I notice, I don't have my gas card... So I go back to the apartment, pick it up, head back to the gas station, and get some gas. So, back to UCF, then... Nah, just kidding... the "Check Tire Pressure" light came on. So, after ensuring that my tires had sufficient air, I was finally able to pick up JM. We made our way across town, and arrived at the designated parking area. Then began the 20 minute search for the trailer park...
Time of arrival: 1:45. So, we got to help out for about an hour and a half. I felt kinda bad for being so late, but on the bright side, we made it there in time to at least get a little something done.
The rest of the day came and went, and now the day concludes with a bowl of Robert's delicious Tater-Tot Casserole, and the delightfully odd, yet entertaining movie, Burn After Reading.

Until tomorrow,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pets We Probably Shouldn't Have...

Honestly, looking back on today, all I see is one incredibly mundane blur of schoolwork. On top of not really getting to do much in the way of anything exciting, I also missed the Bible Study at Tom's place, tonight... I guess it's just one of those days that won't really go down in history (Except this blog, obviously... and probably anywhere else that anything exciting, or even remotely interesting happened to other people).

Although, Robert and I did get onto the subject of how jumpy and easily startled his cat, Oreo, is. That got us thinking... You know those Fainting Goats that, well, faint when they're startled? Yeah, we can never have one of those...
We already know that we would constantly be jumping out from behind things, every opportunity we got, trying to startle it and make it faint. We're pretty sure it'd have an actual heart attack and last, give or take, a week...

Anyways, now that I'm finished with schoolwork and telling you why we can't have nice things, I'm going to go figure out how to make French Toast for Brunch Thursday, this Friday...
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Welcome To You're "Doom!"

This Muffin Monday's topic of discussion: Bangladesh!
While enjoying some delicious chocolate chip muffins, the consensus we ended up settling upon was that, on the plus side, their Capital is called "Dhaka." You can't tell us that that isn't an awesomely fun name. Although, they received some negative strikes due to the fact that they wouldn't share their vast multitudes of Bengal Tigers with us. Overall, though, Bangladesh seems like a pretty neat place, and has acquired APT203's seal of approval.

(That's not our seal of approval, by the way... that's the Bangladesh flag. And is it just me, or is the circle a tad off center, on the flag?)

Later on, Craig and Pat joined us for the majority of the day. This was around lunch time, so we decided to try out the restaurant right around the corner from our apartment complex. Much to our amusement, the establishment doubled as a bowling ally, of sorts. So, after a couple rounds of miniature bowling, we made our way back to the outside world. On one end of the parking lot sat an English Double-Decker Bus. Now, if your eyes behold one of these glorious automobiles, you can't just ignore it... you must go take a look. It's one of those unspoken rules.
Whilst I grabbed my camera, Craig and Pat climbed inside, through one of the open windows. Apparently the restaurant management was somewhat displeased with this, and came out to have a word with us. Needless to say, we decided to skip coming back for another round of bowling...

For the remainder of the day, we decided to relax and enjoy the viewing of one of our favorite shows, "Frisky Dingo". So, we bummed around the apartment until it was time for everyone to depart their separate ways. All in all, it made for a pretty chill Labor Day!

Alright, guys, I'm out,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Pontification Process

We awoke, again, Sunday morning as we usually do (one hopes), picked up some breakfast, swung by Caitlin's house, picked her up, then headed off to church. After a good service, we made our way over to Bubalou's Bodacious BBQ for some lunch. During the course of our meal, we pontificated about many different subjects. We started the conversation, discussing the misuse of American Freedom (That's when I arrived, anyways), though we eventually digressed to the topic of burning Christmas trees. Such is characteristic of the pyromaniac in all of us, I guess...

After lunch, a few of us headed back to our place to relax. We hung out, listened to some music, and played a sporting round of Apples To Apples. To the best of my knowledge, everyone had a pleasant time!

Also, our amazing friends filled out the chalk wall, quite nicely! Although, it has been agreed upon... if we had to guess what being on drugs was like, staring at our newly colored in chalk wall, for a prolonged period of time, would probably be the equivalent.

For CNN News, this has been,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Faucet Fiasco!

Sometime, early last month, a faucet in one of our showers began to leak. We thought, "Hey, no problem! We'll just call maintenance and have them fix it for us, real quick!" That was four weeks ago... it's still leaking. (At the rate of 1 Gal. every three and a half minutes, no less)
We've put in several work orders for it, each time, the main office says they'll get it onto the priority list and come fix it right away. Well, when we went down to inquire about it, this most recent time, we received a response we weren't quite expecting...
Brace yourself for this...
They had the audacity to tell us they came and fixed it an hour ago. Problem is, we were at the apartment for the last two hours, and it was still leaking when we moseyed over to the office. So, either some lucky neighbor got a tune up on one of their faucets, or the maintenance department, for this complex, exists on some parallel plane of existence, that communicates with the front office of our own.
Either way, I'm sure we're going to be less than thrilled about this month's water bill...

On a happier note, we journeyed to the other side of Orlando to hang out with our friends who arrived in town, yesterday. A wonderful time was had by all!

Now is the time for sleep,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Weekend Is Upon Us...

Remember that entertainment center at the bottom of the staircase? Well, I bring you good news! It's up here, with us, now! Robert and I were inspired by the building methods of old. We tilted the piece onto a flat cardboard box, which we used to turn the staircase into a straight angle. Pythagoras would be proud...

Anyways, we pushed the entertainment system up, being careful not to lose grip of it. The whole "not loosing grip" thing was an important step, as Robert's life hung in the balance. Thankfully we ascended the staircase without any casualties!

Apparently our friends from back home, Michelle, Tanni, and Kortney arrived in Orlando, today, as well! This was something I only discovered this morning. So that was a pleasant surprise! Hopefully we'll see them over the weekend.

Tragic as it was, Brunch Thursday didn't happen yesterday. But you already knew that... so why am I telling you again? Well, it's official... Brunch Thursday has been moved to Friday. The name remains unchanged, however. So, if you're ever feeling up to it, join us one Friday for Brunch Thursday!

Also, we've discovered that Robert's cat, Oreo, apparently is allergic to himself. If you know how many times Chris sneezes when he has one of his sneezing fits, imagine that, only worse. Really, that's the only logical explanation we've been able to come to...

We bid thee farewell, for now,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Our Newest Time Killers...

So, you're probably wondering what we do around here, in the apartment, when we're not participating in School, work, church, hobbies, or hanging out with friends... Eh, let's be honest, you're probably not wondering about that, but I'm going to tell you anyways...
Since "LOST" and "Castle" are on hiatus until later this month, and "Warehouse 13" only comes on, on Tuesdays, today Chris and I decided to start a new show... Chuck!

In other news, Brunch Thursday didn't happen... That's mostly due to a combination of everyone having early class, and the fact that it was my day to make brunch and I can't cook...

What about that violin, I bought a few weeks ago, you ask? Funny you should mention it today, because today was the day I put it together and took my first stab at playing it. Chris and Rob weren't present during this endeavor, which, I can most assuredly say they should be glad about... So, my newest project: Acquire the ability to make my violin make violin noises.
I suppose that's what practice is for.

Sadly, the above issues were probably the only semi-interesting things that happened in the land of APT203, today... But hey, at least it wasn't a total bust, like yesterday! So, hooray for that!

That's all for now,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Metaphysical Musings

Well, nothing particularly exciting happened, today, in the land of APT203. We can't, however, just leave you without an update, so we'll propose a question for you to think about until tomorrow...

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?

Happy pondering,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

With A Little Help From Neighbors & The Invention Of The Wheel

At the front of the Waterford East complex sits a small charity area. To others, it may look like a trash compactor, but rest assured, to poor college students with no furniture, it is, indeed, a small charity area.
Anyways, on the way to Robert's night class, he calls Chris and I and tells us that there is a rather nice looking entertainment system out there. We figure, "Hey, we could always use a new piece of furniture!" so Chris and I drive down to the front to pick it up... it's raining outside, but it'll only take 10 minutes, right?
Well, once we figure out that it's not going to fit into either of our cars, we decide, "Hey, let's stick it as far into trunk as we can and hold the other half while we drive back to the apartment." It's at this point when we discover that the dresser is incredibly heavy. Even so, we manage to get it into the car, around the turn-around, and almost to the gate (after 15 minutes and switching carrying duty a couple times).
It's at this point that we notice the entertainment system has wheels.

After a hearty laugh, Chris left me to roll the dresser back to the apartment. About 1/3 of the way back, the rain had begun to take it's toll, causing a couple of the wheels to fall out of the bottom. So after calling Chris back to the scene, one of us balances the piece on two wheels, while the other pushes.
2/3 of the way there, and half an hour later, we're just about ready to stick a "From Mom" sign on it, leave it at the front door of the nearest apartment, and call it quits. That's when we spot a lady sitting in her pickup truck. I inquire about utilizing her truck for the rest of the journey, and luckily she was nice enough to help us out! So thanks to the kindness of strangers, our new entertainment system sits in our apartment... at the bottom of the stairs... now for the hard part...

Wish us luck,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

Vikings, Muffins, & The End Of Mockery...

Based on what I can remember from the early hours of this morning, our second Muffin Monday was a great success! The topic of discussion was Vikings. As far as I can remember, we all agreed that they're a pretty frightening, yet awesome bunch of people. Plus they're the inspiration for a plethora of wonderful music, including Amon Amarth and Ensiferum! If you're not on the receiving end of a mighty axe, what's not to love about Vikings?

Moving on, today was the final day of Robert's summer vacation, making tomorrow his first day of classes. Therefore, he can no longer mock Chris and I for being in school while he's not. Then again, I suppose he could continue to taunt us, but his mockery would be unfounded and baseless...

Also, just because I'm updating, I'll shamelessly throw in my exciting news about my newest Mashup! "Is It Progression If A Cannibal Devours A Fork?" (Chiodos vs. Shinedown) was accepted to and given an amazing review! If you're interested, check it out, give it a listen, a rating, and perhaps a download!

That's all for today! Das'vidanya, friends,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris