Monday, September 7, 2009

The Pontification Process

We awoke, again, Sunday morning as we usually do (one hopes), picked up some breakfast, swung by Caitlin's house, picked her up, then headed off to church. After a good service, we made our way over to Bubalou's Bodacious BBQ for some lunch. During the course of our meal, we pontificated about many different subjects. We started the conversation, discussing the misuse of American Freedom (That's when I arrived, anyways), though we eventually digressed to the topic of burning Christmas trees. Such is characteristic of the pyromaniac in all of us, I guess...

After lunch, a few of us headed back to our place to relax. We hung out, listened to some music, and played a sporting round of Apples To Apples. To the best of my knowledge, everyone had a pleasant time!

Also, our amazing friends filled out the chalk wall, quite nicely! Although, it has been agreed upon... if we had to guess what being on drugs was like, staring at our newly colored in chalk wall, for a prolonged period of time, would probably be the equivalent.

For CNN News, this has been,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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