Thursday, September 17, 2009

There's No Such Thing As Goodbye...

Perhaps, when you passed your kindly neighborhood viking, today, you noticed that he looked indescribably downtrodden. Hopefully, you stopped and offered your condolences... because today was the day that our friend Craig moved back to North Carolina. This entry is dedicated to him.

To you, our friend, we will miss you more than you know. It has been an amazing privilege to have gotten the chance to know you this past year and a half. You've been an amazing blessing in my life, not just as someone with an unrivaled sense of humor, and the ability to always make us laugh, but also as an example of someone who seems to always demonstrate the uncompromising drive to follow Christ in everything. I know that God has called you back to North Carolina for a reason, and wherever this new path leads, you're going to make a lasting impact, there, as you did here.
I also know that there's no such thing as goodbye, only "See you later," but in the mean time, I'm going to miss having someone else around who truly understands what it means to be Grim and Frostbitten.

Always know that you have a family here, in Florida, who loves you. We're only just a phone call, text message, or Facebook post away, so whether it be just to stay in contact, or if there's anything you ever need, we'll be here. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we'll miss the Orlando we knew with you here. But again, there's no such thing as goodbye, only "see you later."

So, see you later, my friend
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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