Friday, September 4, 2009

Our Newest Time Killers...

So, you're probably wondering what we do around here, in the apartment, when we're not participating in School, work, church, hobbies, or hanging out with friends... Eh, let's be honest, you're probably not wondering about that, but I'm going to tell you anyways...
Since "LOST" and "Castle" are on hiatus until later this month, and "Warehouse 13" only comes on, on Tuesdays, today Chris and I decided to start a new show... Chuck!

In other news, Brunch Thursday didn't happen... That's mostly due to a combination of everyone having early class, and the fact that it was my day to make brunch and I can't cook...

What about that violin, I bought a few weeks ago, you ask? Funny you should mention it today, because today was the day I put it together and took my first stab at playing it. Chris and Rob weren't present during this endeavor, which, I can most assuredly say they should be glad about... So, my newest project: Acquire the ability to make my violin make violin noises.
I suppose that's what practice is for.

Sadly, the above issues were probably the only semi-interesting things that happened in the land of APT203, today... But hey, at least it wasn't a total bust, like yesterday! So, hooray for that!

That's all for now,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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