Friday, September 18, 2009

The Great Faucet Debacle: Resolved

Now to catch you up on the events of Wednesday and Thursday.
Even though I'd rather mix things up and start with Thursday, I figure starting with Wednesday follows a more logical progression... Anyways, Wednesday came and went without much in the way of exciting events taking place. That is, except for that maintenance finally came and fixed the faucet! It only took a month and a half of asking, to finally get them up here. At the rate of 1 gallon every three and a half minutes for a month and a half, that roughly comes out to... a lot of water. Funny thing is, though... it's kinda quiet up here now... possibly a little too quiet. Don't think that turning it back on hasn't crossed our minds...

After that was finally resolved, we made our way over to the church for College Group. 'Twas a fun way to finish out the day.
Thursday came, and brought with it an event that we've been excited for, for a while now: The Great Faith Debate! The participants in this verbal joust were none other than Dinesh D'souza, representing Christianity, versus Christopher Hitchens, representing Atheists. At the risk of sounding incredibly biased, I felt like D'souza came out on top. Even when D'souza was not given an opportunity to make a rebuttal, I was still, myself, able to pick out quite a few flaws and misrepresentations in Hitchen's arguments. Ever present was the use of dodging questions (replaced with humor), as well as a few straw-man and Ad Absurdum fallacies. Nonetheless, the debate was a lot of fun, and very informative! I could have sat there and watched for another few hours, but alas, it had to end... Afterword's, however, we all enjoyed dinner at Jimmy-John's and then dollar bowling with Chris, JM, Ryan Kelly, Brant, Charlene, Weston, and I. So, all told, the night turned out to be as much fun as we hoped it would!

Readers, adieu!
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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