Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Pseudo Scythe Cache

Gather 'round, and make yourselves comfortable for the tale of Sunday and Monday...

This Sunday commenced forth, as typical Orlando Sundays usually do: Church in the Morning, lunch with friends afterword, then some time for a little rest and whatnot. Later that night, Chris, Bri, and I journeyed to Kissimmee to join Craig and the rest of the gang (And by gang, I don't mean group of people involved in miscellaneous criminal activities, though, with our combined skill sets, I think we would make for a pretty mischievous crew, if that's what we decided to set our efforts towards) for a night of bowling! As always, with our wonderful friends, you can't help but have a great time! Also, we got to wondering, why we don't live in that part of town... Some available activities include a large castle structure, Paradise (Apparently it's been there the whole time), a street by the name of Seven Dwarfs, and the icing on the cake: The Viking Motel!

This evening, the lot of us gathered together again for a feast, at the Pig & Whistle, in honor of Craig, who is heading back to North Carolina tomorrow. We enjoyed the company of our amazing friend, and hopefully, he'll be stopping by none other than APT203, in a bit, and hanging out with us, here, for the rest of the night.

On the ride back home, in the midst of Robert explaining to us our Steampunk aliases, a debate was struck up over the pronunciation of certain words. These words included "Pseudo," "Cache," "Crayon," "Scythe," and one other mystery word that none of us could remember after we moved onto our second word. We tried getting one of the pay-toll operators involved, hoping it would solve the conflict, but it only made things worse, as they offered yet another possible pronunciation. We believe we've settled on the proper vocalization of the word "scythe", wherein the only challenge left is convincing Jeff to say it properly, but as for the rest of the words, if we continue to neglect the ever useful online dictionary, your input on these matters would be greatly appreciated.

Entering the apartment complex, we spied a free dining room table, in excellent condition. Once we came to the realization that fitting it into the Mini Cooper wasn't going to happen, we devised a plan to have me stand guard over the newly acquired furniture, while Chris brought back his car. So, for the next 15 minutes, there I sat, at the entrance to the apartment complex, greeting our new neighbors and waiting for Chris to return...

Behold! Our new dining room table!

The night concluded with Muffin Monday Midnight Madness! The rules for Muffin Monday (as far as time is concerned) have yet to be set in stone, though, if we ever gain access to a tablet and chisel, that wouldn't be a bad idea... maybe a wall decoration or something...
But anywho, this week's topic of discussion was The Minotaur! We got to thinking... the Minotaur is half man, half bull, right? Well, do you think it thinks people thoughts, or bull thoughts (Like "Hey, we're out of things a Minotaur needs), or possibly a combination of the two? That eventually, somehow, segued into a discussion about how screwed up Robert's firstborn son is going to be when Robert makes him go on an unaccompanied quest to Hawaii to throw a ring into a volcano, or something along those lines, the day he turns 8... But hey, we'll leave that one for Child-Services to worry about...

Hasta luego, friends,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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