Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome To You're "Doom!"

This Muffin Monday's topic of discussion: Bangladesh!
While enjoying some delicious chocolate chip muffins, the consensus we ended up settling upon was that, on the plus side, their Capital is called "Dhaka." You can't tell us that that isn't an awesomely fun name. Although, they received some negative strikes due to the fact that they wouldn't share their vast multitudes of Bengal Tigers with us. Overall, though, Bangladesh seems like a pretty neat place, and has acquired APT203's seal of approval.

(That's not our seal of approval, by the way... that's the Bangladesh flag. And is it just me, or is the circle a tad off center, on the flag?)

Later on, Craig and Pat joined us for the majority of the day. This was around lunch time, so we decided to try out the restaurant right around the corner from our apartment complex. Much to our amusement, the establishment doubled as a bowling ally, of sorts. So, after a couple rounds of miniature bowling, we made our way back to the outside world. On one end of the parking lot sat an English Double-Decker Bus. Now, if your eyes behold one of these glorious automobiles, you can't just ignore it... you must go take a look. It's one of those unspoken rules.
Whilst I grabbed my camera, Craig and Pat climbed inside, through one of the open windows. Apparently the restaurant management was somewhat displeased with this, and came out to have a word with us. Needless to say, we decided to skip coming back for another round of bowling...

For the remainder of the day, we decided to relax and enjoy the viewing of one of our favorite shows, "Frisky Dingo". So, we bummed around the apartment until it was time for everyone to depart their separate ways. All in all, it made for a pretty chill Labor Day!

Alright, guys, I'm out,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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