Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pets We Probably Shouldn't Have...

Honestly, looking back on today, all I see is one incredibly mundane blur of schoolwork. On top of not really getting to do much in the way of anything exciting, I also missed the Bible Study at Tom's place, tonight... I guess it's just one of those days that won't really go down in history (Except this blog, obviously... and probably anywhere else that anything exciting, or even remotely interesting happened to other people).

Although, Robert and I did get onto the subject of how jumpy and easily startled his cat, Oreo, is. That got us thinking... You know those Fainting Goats that, well, faint when they're startled? Yeah, we can never have one of those...
We already know that we would constantly be jumping out from behind things, every opportunity we got, trying to startle it and make it faint. We're pretty sure it'd have an actual heart attack and last, give or take, a week...

Anyways, now that I'm finished with schoolwork and telling you why we can't have nice things, I'm going to go figure out how to make French Toast for Brunch Thursday, this Friday...
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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