Friday, September 4, 2009

The Weekend Is Upon Us...

Remember that entertainment center at the bottom of the staircase? Well, I bring you good news! It's up here, with us, now! Robert and I were inspired by the building methods of old. We tilted the piece onto a flat cardboard box, which we used to turn the staircase into a straight angle. Pythagoras would be proud...

Anyways, we pushed the entertainment system up, being careful not to lose grip of it. The whole "not loosing grip" thing was an important step, as Robert's life hung in the balance. Thankfully we ascended the staircase without any casualties!

Apparently our friends from back home, Michelle, Tanni, and Kortney arrived in Orlando, today, as well! This was something I only discovered this morning. So that was a pleasant surprise! Hopefully we'll see them over the weekend.

Tragic as it was, Brunch Thursday didn't happen yesterday. But you already knew that... so why am I telling you again? Well, it's official... Brunch Thursday has been moved to Friday. The name remains unchanged, however. So, if you're ever feeling up to it, join us one Friday for Brunch Thursday!

Also, we've discovered that Robert's cat, Oreo, apparently is allergic to himself. If you know how many times Chris sneezes when he has one of his sneezing fits, imagine that, only worse. Really, that's the only logical explanation we've been able to come to...

We bid thee farewell, for now,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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