Saturday, September 12, 2009

Burn Blog After Reading

Well, it happened, as we all, inevitably, knew it would: I missed a couple of days worth of updates, due to the combination of a busy schedule, and the fact that I can't ever get Robert to update on the days I'm unavailable. So, what's been going on for the past few days, in the land of APT203, you ask? Well, allow me to fill you in...

As you all are well aware, Friday is "Brunch Thursday!" In preparation for the following morning, JM stayed the night on Thursday night, so we could rise, bright and early to take my first shot at turning regular bread into delectable french toast. Well, we did just that (Though the "delectable" part is up for debate). Our feast amounted to no less than 40 pieces of french toast, as well as a large pile of sausage and scrambled eggs.
Much to our dismay, we, one by one, discovered that each of our confirmed guests had been called elsewhere, last minute, to attend events that were less optional than brunch. We, of course, understood and the four of us enjoyed our mid-morning banquet.
This, however, is us, missing you guys...

There's always next week! =)

After our daily educational enterprises had come to an end, the weekend had arrived. We lounged about for an hour or so, then headed across town to help John and Pat move into their new apartment! We expected that we would still be there, moving, into all hours of the night, but we ended up finishing in a rather quick amount of time. The events that transpired afterwords involved Hawaiian pizza and a movie. All told, we had a fun time! (Also, as a side note... upon my arrival, John gifted to me, an amazing electric typewriter that he thought I would enjoy! And yes, yes I really do! Thank you, again!)

Following the events of Friday, came Saturday, as it usually does, except on those rare occasions when Friday gives Saturday and Sunday a miss and goes straight into Monday. But continuing on into the weekend, I decided to lend a hand with the restore the streets project, down on Orange Blossom Trail. I left at noon, so I figured I would arrive around 12:15... Man, was I wrong...
As I was heading out, I received a call from JM, so I asked him if he wanted to come along. He agreed, so I moseyed on toward UCF. Well, on my way there, I realize that my gas light is on. So, to the gas station! Now I notice, I don't have my gas card... So I go back to the apartment, pick it up, head back to the gas station, and get some gas. So, back to UCF, then... Nah, just kidding... the "Check Tire Pressure" light came on. So, after ensuring that my tires had sufficient air, I was finally able to pick up JM. We made our way across town, and arrived at the designated parking area. Then began the 20 minute search for the trailer park...
Time of arrival: 1:45. So, we got to help out for about an hour and a half. I felt kinda bad for being so late, but on the bright side, we made it there in time to at least get a little something done.
The rest of the day came and went, and now the day concludes with a bowl of Robert's delicious Tater-Tot Casserole, and the delightfully odd, yet entertaining movie, Burn After Reading.

Until tomorrow,
-Nick, Robert, & Chris

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