Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Five Iron Frenzy Saved The Day

So, you thought the hiatus between the last two APT203 posts was long? Well, it was. But this one was longer. We'll try not to do that again. Let's see if my musings can do Tuesday through Sunday (Hoping I remember all of the events that transpired) any justice...
Tuesday started off with some bad news for Chris. The tires on his car apparently had some sort of feud with the rest of his vehicle and started trying to leave. To avoid being a casualty of collateral damage, brought on by the aforementioned debacle, he had to hold off on driving his car until he could take it in to the auto repair shop to get counseling and set everything back to peace and equilibrium.
For Robert and I, this meant that we were in charge of driving Chris to different destinations of his choosing. That morning, Chris and I woke up early, had some breakfast smoothies, and headed across town to Adidas. The rest of the day commenced as usual, and then the time came to go to the Tuesday night Bible study at Tom's place. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend because Chris needed another ride across town. It's okay, though! There's always next week!

Wednesday, not much in the way of exciting things happened until later in the evening. JM, Kyle, and I headed over to First Baptist of Orlando for the Wednesday night College Group. It was a fun time, as always. Heard a good message, played some makeshift table-top four square, and then waited around until about 11:30, entertaining ourselves with tennis equipment in the empty parking lot, til it was time to go pick up Chris from Adidas. While the remaining employees closed up shop, we decided to have a little fun. We stood motionless, at the windows, staring ominously at Chris. Every time he moved to a different location, we followed. Chris obviously knew who we were, but we apparently frightened the other employees quite a bit. Overall, great success!

The good majority of Thursday was spent doing homework. Started at 9am and finished around 2:30. After I had successfully conquered all of my homework, I got to relax for a little while. Later on, Caitlin arrived. It was decided that dinner should be made, so we journeyed to Target and acquired the necessary foodstuffs. The delicious feast was completed and subsequently enjoyed by all. The night ended with my first ever attempt to make a music video for one of my Mashups. Here's how it turned out:

Friday followed with the newest installment of Brunch Thursday. Robert, aided by his new deep-fryer, prepared some doughnut holes for us. They were no less than delectable. We soon after embarked onto our final educational sessions of the week and then got ready to venture down to the Fort. Upon our arrival, I dropped off John-Michael, and was soon after invited to watch a movie with Kory, Maggie, and Kelsey. About 45 minutes into the movie, a vote was cast, and it was unanimously decided that the movie was absolutely terrible. We took the video back to Blockbuster and spent the next hour, to no avail, trying to find a new one. Once it became clear that we couldn't decide on a new movie, we just ended up heading back to Kelsey's place and watching Back To The Future. You can't go wrong with that.

Saturday, we celebrated Matt's birthday. A big group of us moseyed over to Ale House for the birthday dinner, then regrouped at Matt's house, afterwords. We all had a lot of fun. Most everyone congregated in the living room and played Rockband, while Kory and I jammed on our violins. Mostly, that just entailed us trying to learn how to play The Song of Time. Soon, though, I'll get the hang of it, and the ability to shift night to day (And Vice Versa) will be available to me, at my very whim. So, that's definitely something to look forward to...

I can't tell you what Chris, nor Robert, did on Sunday (mostly because I really don't know, and also because they never update their parts of the blog), but the first half of mine was spent transporting furniture to my Grandpa's apartment, then helping my dad out with miscellaneous duties around the office. I was supposed to go to lunch with Sarah and Paris, but unfortunately, those plans ended up falling through. On the bright side, though, there were festivities going on over in Gateway. So, a few of us headed that way and enjoyed some volleyball, relaxation, and the company of good friends.

After hanging out at Gateway for a bit, the time finally came to head back to Orlando. For some reason, after a little while of driving, the car seems to have an effect to it, that makes you a tad sleepy. I cranked up the air and the music, but that didn't seem to help... That is, until a Five Iron Frenzy song came on. I realized that I was noticeably more awake for the duration of that song. As soon as it ended, however, I started getting sleepy again. Using my incredible powers of discernment, I decided that FIF would be the correct music choice for the remainder of the ride. They did the trick, and that's the tale of how Five Iron Frenzy kept me awake, and saved the day, once again! Also, as a fun side note, halfway up I-75, I get a call from Chris. Much to my surprise, he began to recite the lyrics to the exact song I was listening to. Turns out, he randomly found me on the interstate and tuned into the radio station that my iPod FM Transmitter operates on, and was able to listen to the music on my iPod, in his car. We've arrived, safely, back to Orlando, and are now currently awaiting whatever adventures tomorrow may bring.

Until then,
-Nick, Chris, & Robert

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